What we offer

Commitment - Excellence - Confidentiality

In an accident there is more than just damage. Many more things are lost. We know this and that is why you will have the maximum commitment from the first moment. We seek excellence in the services that the client hires and pays for, giving him the best of us, both in terms of care, support and results. No one will know anything about your case or what you received as final compensation. These are your interests and cannot be shared.

For free

From the first moment we will start working with you and for you without having to pay anything and we will not charge until you pay.


We are not interested in having many records. We care about every customer. Everyone has their needs. Everyone will enjoy exclusive treatment.


We sign a contract in which we guarantee everything we promise to do from the outset. If we do not comply, you can change lawyers at no cost.


We adapt to the needs of the client. We make communications fast and resolve any doubts without complicated language that makes no more sense than to confuse.


You are and will always be our top priority. Let's not forget that you are the one who suffered the accident and / or its consequences. You are the most important thing and we will defend you accordingly.


We don’t do everything but just what we know how to do; which is good for us. We have enough experience to make sure you get the best results at the lowest cost.

Domestic accidents


There are many accidents that occur in houses, hotels, homes. They all have a company behind them that will want to hide and not pay. We will avoid it.


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How we do that

ADACC is the result of more than 30 years of professional experience in the exercise of Civil and Criminal Law and especially in the defense of the victims of any type of accident, claiming and achieving in most cases the most satisfactory result. By the customer.

You should know that at all times you will be treated free of charge either in person, by phone or online, your case will be analyzed and you will be informed of the possibilities of the claim and its viability, without having to pay anything at any time. For our services until you are covered.

Unlike other professionals, if at any time you decide to change your lawyer or resign from our services, you will not have to pay anything before you receive or receive an offer from the company.

We also promise to answer any questions you may have within a maximum of 24 hours, otherwise it will be possible to do so at the same time, and you will be informed of all the steps we take and all communications. That we receive from the company so that at any time you can decide on your case.

What do our customers say?

Albert and Anna

The lawyer did an extraordinarily professional job, providing us with the serenity we needed to cope with the whole process. The quality of the professionalism is only surpassed by staff and empathic ability in the face of a frankly awkward situation. We can only have words of gratitudes for them.

Roser Rabaneda Haro

A great professionalism found in both sides, he and his team as well an unbeatable treatment. He has helped me a lot with his involvement always at 100% and his humane and very close treatment. Certainly a great lawyer. Thank you so much.

Daniel Abellan Lopez

Professional and personalized treatment. Clear and direct as well as friendly.

Josep Serra

I found ethics and professionalism in a sector where other interests predominate. I can assure you after my little experience over the last 5 years that not everyone can feel how proud I am of the representation that Xavier Bonet and his collaborators have made of me in each of their interventions.

Montse and Adolf

Xavier was in charge of the civil case against FECSA-Endesa for the death of our son Carles. He was always by our side, advising and accompanying us impeccably. At trial, his precise and technically irrefutable questions were key to highlighting this company and obtaining a favorable ruling. He is an excellent professional and great person. We will always be grateful to you.

Sònia Jiménez

He is a wonderful and serious lawyer who get involved himself to the fullest in your case and a great person. Totally and one hundred percent recommended.
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